Geographical Coverage for PMI Malaria Reduction Activity

The five-year USAID-funded U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) Uganda Malaria Reduction Activity aims to improve the survival and well-being of Uganda’s most vulnerable pregnant women and children in selected regions of the country. The Activity works with the Government of Uganda to improve technical, managerial, financial, and leadership capacity at all levels of the health care delivery system. PMI Uganda Malaria Reduction Activity aims to strengthen community and household capacity to own and take responsibility for prevention of malaria and accessing high-quality malaria services, while maintaining gains made at the health facility level. In addition, PMI Uganda Malaria Reduction Activity works with targeted private – for – profit health care facilities to strengthen case management, early referral, and data management

The PMI Uganda Malaria Reduction Activity is implemented by John Snow, Inc. (JSI), in partnership with; Program for Accessible Health, Communication, and Education (PACE); Busara Center for Behavioral Economics; Another Option, LLC; Makerere University Child Health and Development Centre and Medical Care Development International. PACE serves as a lead partner for community response and private sector engagement.

This activity is implemented across five high burden malaria regions that include Acholi, Lango, Westile, Karamonja and Busoga as shown in the figure below