Project Name: Post Distribution Monitoring of Long Lasting Insecticide Nets
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Funder: Against Malaria Foundation

Project Duration: 30 months


Following the 2017/2018 LLINs Universal Coverage Campaign (UCC), a Post Distribution Monitoring Activity funded by Against Malaria Foundation and implemented by Malaria Consortium as lead agent with PACE Uganda and Church of Uganda (CoU) as Sub Recipients was conducted. This was in partnership with Ministry of Health through the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP). Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) funded the purchase of 12.7million LLINs which were some of the nets distributed through the campaign. This was the second Universal Coverage Campaign implemented in Uganda after the 2013/2014 campaign. Following this campaign, recommendations were made to improve the follow-up activities, and particularly the monitoring of net condition, ownership, and use among the households that benefitted from the campaign. This was done for a period of 30 months following the 2016/2017 campaign.

As a Sub recipient, Programme for Accessible Communication and Education (PACE) implemented the Post distribution Monitoring (PDM) in 37 districts in the Eastern region Data collection was directly overseen by PACE through the
Village Health Teams (VHTs) with several levels of supervision and monitoring, designed to ensure the highest quality of data. Malaria Consortium oversaw the data entry and verification into the Data Entry System (DES) for analysis by AMF. Data was collected in districts at regular intervals over a period of 30 months. PACE had a target of implementing four rounds of data collection in 37 districts. In each round, 58 Health Sub-districts, 1666 villages were targeted. The targeted households to be reached for each round was 38,318 households making a total of 153,272 for all the four rounds

Project Coverage:

Geographical coverage: The project was implemented in 58 Health Sub Districts of 37 districts in Eastern region.

Key achievements for the project included;

  • With increased SBCC on importance of the LLINs, by the end of the 30-month Post Distribution Monitoring, the hang up rate of the LLINs was at 71%, the sleeping space and people coverage rates at 73%; correct usage for the nets available in the households was at 93% while 80% of the nets were still usable.

A data collector observing net condition at a selected household in round 3 data collection in Kibuku district

  • The project reached 94.8% of the targeted households (145,311/153,272). All the selected 6662 villages out of 6662 were reached.
  • Orientation meetings were successfully held with the 96 District Health Team members in the 37 districts of implementation
  • PACE developed training manuals and data quality control check lists for Training of Trainers (ToT), data supervisors and data collectors.
  • There was 100% achievement in training of the district-based trainers (22), data supervisors (193) and data collectors (2198).